Friday 4 November 2016

The Benefits of Hiring an Interior Decorator

The Benefits of Hiring an Interior Decorator 

Your Home is the biggest investment you will ever make. A large investment like this needs to insured and cared for in order to make it worth your while or to see any return on that investment in the future. Keeping this investment insured and cared for requires the help of professionals, such as plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters, insurance companies etc. but one of the professionals involved that is often over looked is an Interior Designer/Decorator. These professional often do not get the praise that they deserve because a lot of people are trying to “Do It Themselves”, simply because they think it saves money, and hey, how hard can decorating be if you look at a few magazines and scroll through pinterest once in a while right? Well… not exactly, there is much more to it than that. So I thought I would write this blog post to educate you on what exactly these professionals do. 

Designer vs. Decorator
Knowing the difference between the two can save you money. A Designer has more education and a higher rate of pay, they are often used in larger projects (commercial design) in the beginning stages of construction and working with architects. The Decorator cost less and is less hands on with the construction process (deciding where to put walls, windows, doors and making sure that everything is to code and the lighting and windows and walls and everything are where they should be to maximize function and beauty etc. ) and focuses more on the finishes (furnishings, paint, accessories, lighting etc.) So that being said, you can decide which one is best for your project. 

What can an Interior Decorator do for you? 

A Professional accredited Interior Decorator (Has a Diploma/Degree/Certifications) Studies all the Elements & Principles of Interior Design. Colour, Space Planning, Balance & Harmony, Lighting, History of Design (including all the different styles and era’s of Interior Decorating & Design) Textiles, Furniture, Construction and Materials, Human Function etc. Because of this education, here’s why it is beneficial to hire an Interior Decorator: 

1.Functionality: You can always tell a home was planned out by a professional because of the spacing and layout and the overall feeling of perfect balance when you walk into the room. A huge part of education in interior decorating and design is studying form and the human function - we need to think of universal design that meets the needs of everyone - especially in commercial interiors. So interior decorators are very detail oriented and know how to make the best use of the space whilst having it be aesthetically pleasing. 

2. Unique ideas. A decorator is going to come up with things you wouldn't normally think of.  They know where to shop, they are creative.

3. The mix makes sense: Things can look very out of sorts if you mix a bunch of different era’s together. We all have personalities and we all like a variety of things, music, food, fashion and home decor. The same rules apply to all of these things, sometimes opposites attract and sometimes they just don't work at all. Lets say the home was built circa 1967 and is very “mid century modern” and your client loves this but also loves some rustic country style wooden furniture pieces, some victorian era style chairs with a lot of detail and fancy textiles such as silks and velvets, but then they also love a sofa that is very modern - leather, clean lines, chrome legs… How would you make this work? would you bring all the pieces home individually and see if they work together? what art, paint and accessories do you need that can tie all of these styles together? Unless you have studied all of these era’s extensively and can find ways to connect them as well as ways to  make your vision come alive, you could end up wasting a lot of time and money. 
4. You will save money! A common misconception I hear all the time is that hiring an Interior Decorator is expensive and you will save money if you just do it yourself. If you pay for a designer, here are a few things you might miss out on. Accidentally paying too much for something, when you can get the same thing for half the cost at another place, ordering the wrong size, fabric or wallpaper, wasting money on a random electrician who drops & breaks your chandelier (yes this happened to my friend!), choosing wall colors that don't give the feel you want, buying furniture that doesn't fit in the space, I could go on and on. Typically designers have experienced most of the mistakes for you and know ahead of time, the right way to go. You want experienced people working on your home so you can save money from making the wrong mistakes. Trust me, they happen! I have been the designer to come in and clean up the mess of somebody else's mistakes and they can be pretty costly. 

5. Unique ideas. A decorator is going to come up with things you wouldn't normally think of.  They know where to shop, they are creative. 

6. Increase your value. A good decorator knows where to splurge and where to save. Decorators are great for home staging and in making your space look gorgeous in pictures and can make the most out of any budget to get the most value for your home wether you just want to gain more equity or list your home for sale. 

7. Peace of mind. Check off all those things that you don't get around to doing in the home off of your list. A decorator will be the person who will get things done like frame that art that's been sitting there forever, make sure that leak gets fixed, know the right person to install or fix that light, stock up your home where guests will be delighted with what you have, and ultimately probably have your bed so well done and comfortable you'll sleep better than if you had thrown it together yourself. 

I am the biggest believer in having a home that works well is THE KEY to a happy, successful life. When your home is well organized (there’s a place for everything), the design makes sense and is a reflection of your personality, you will be happy to go home and enjoy your little sanctuary and be stress free. 

Saturday 1 October 2016

Navy x White x Gold

     This trendy color palette for 2016/2017 was just so gorgeous I had to style it up & share.  Classic, elegant & modern. Love it. What do you guys think? xo Jenna

Monday 29 August 2016

Mixing Wood Tones

Ask a Designer : Q&A 

Design Dilemma : 

I recently had a client that just purchased a new home, open concept living/dining/kitchen space. The floors were like a warm Maple with some variation of a chestnut brown, the cupboards were a yellowish Oak, there were storage built-ins that were painted black, the island was a light natural wood colour. Her question for me was : What dining table (she prefers wood)  should I get to go with all these crazy different wood tones?! 

Designer Solution : 

1. First things first, if you do not have the budget or desire to replace or paint all the cabinetry and your preferred dining table material is wood, the easiest solution is to look for one with several variations of wood tones in it. Here are a few examples: 

2. Or, one of the following choices : Solid/Glass/Marble Dining Tables : 

If you have a design dilemma, let me know about it :) 

Thursday 25 August 2016

Marsala. Greys. Rose Gold. Emerald.

Every once in a while I will come across one piece that I obsess over... This week, it's all about an emerald green leather tufted chesterfield. So, naturally, I decided to mess around with how I would style this gorgeous piece of furniture. With such a classic piece, my go to Designer for all that is classic and elegant is Ralph Lauren. The gorgeous grey/white area rug is a modern take on traditional, paired with a unique high gloss black arm chair with a marsala velvet upholstery added a modern elegance to the chesterfield. The Art is made by Renwill, coffee table and lamp by Sunpan to complete the look. I love this rich, dark colour palette & modern take on traditional! 

Thursday 11 August 2016

Home Staging Tips

                                                        Home Staging Tips

Your home is a reflection of your personality & style…. And now you are trying to sell your home to someone with their own unique personality & style…. How do you make your home desirable to a wide range of different personalities? The answer is…. Keep…it…SIMPLE. Here are some tips :


            Keep it Neutral – Go for paint colors that are light, and will work with any décor.
   Designer picks :

2.       De-clutter - Imagine walking into a furniture store, take a look at how they set up one of their vignettes – That’s how every room in your home should be set up. No magazines, no Kleenex boxes, no magazines, no mail, hide your remotes and family pictures.

3.       Keep it clean – Imagine the queen or your celeb crush could drop in at any moment…. And clean accordingly.

4.       Avoid Art work & wall stickers – The only thing that should be on your walls are mirrors. Artwork showcases your personal style, and make it more difficult for a buyer to envision themselves in that home if all of your personal touches are everywhere.

5.       Common-scents – Avoid strong scented chemical air fresheners, some buyers can be really sensitive. Use natural scents like fresh flowers, some essential oils, and if you want to go the extra mile… bake something yummy before you have a viewing!
Designer Tip : Try this homemade all natural stovetop potpourri recipe :
1Cup water
2 Cinnamon sticks
1-2 Vanilla Bean
Citrus peel  
Simmer on stovetop on low.

6.       Invest in a Decorator – A decorator knows how to make the space look beautiful and function to it’s full potential.